In yet another instance of Apple devices sparing lives, a 29-year-old woman attributes the detection of life-threatening blood clots in her airways to her Apple Watch.
Local12 reports that while sleeping, Kimmie Watkins from Cincinnati had an irregular heart rate of 178 pulses per minute detected by her Apple Watch. She was feeling light-headed and disoriented when the Watch alerted her as she was napping.
“I had been unconscious for about an hour and a half when my watch awoke me with an alarm indicating that my pulse rate had been too high for too long. Therefore, it was excessively elevated for over ten minutes,” she told the publication.

She added, “I’m very fortunate, because if my nap hadn’t ended, my partner would have found me maybe sleeping on the couch but not actually sleeping.”
Her watch detected a 178 bpm abnormal pulse while she slept.
Watkins then sought medical examination from a physician. According to the report, she is diagnosed with a saddle pulmonary embolism. The condition restricts blood flow to both lungs and has a fatality rate of fifty percent.
A cardiologist from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine, Dr. Richard Becker, explained that a saddle pulmonary embolism is the most severe and life-threatening type because it involves both the blood vessel to the right lung and the blood vessel to the left lung.
Watkins is currently taking blood thinners and reportedly laboring to regain her strength. Watkins states in the report that she wears their Apple Watch with pride and hopes that her experience will encourage others to do the same. She said, “It may be viewed as staying too connected or something, but I believe it can be beneficial in a health sense, not just in a connect with people sense.”