Somavedic Introduces AI-Enabled Contactless Well-Being Tracker 2023

Today, Somavedic Technologies (Inc.), makers of the scientifically-studied sleep & well-tech device, launches Attune Health Mobile App, a groundbreaking, AI-enabled biomarker analysis app that uses a smartphone camera to measure a wide range of vital signs.

Somavedic provides quick and portable wellbeing indicators that allow people to make educated wellness decisions.

The Attune Health App monitors indicators including blood pressure, heart rate, HRV, oxygen saturation, breathing rate, sympathetic stress, parasympathetic activity, and PRQ. It assays bloodless hemoglobin and hemoglobin A1C (*under investigation).

With a 60-second facial scan, the app measures vital signs without wearables or blood pricks.

“Wellness data can help us make informed decisions about our overall wellness,” said Juraj Kocar, CEO of Attune Health and Somavedic Technologies. “The Attune Health mobile app provides cutting-edge data in seconds. This idea has the potential to change millions of people’s conscious health decisions, contributing to the wider collective of individuals seeking to live and feel better.”

Attune Health employs remote photoplethysmography for contactless data extraction. It measures red, green, and blue light reflected from the skin and compares specular and diffused reflections.

The technique uses various features:

  • Environment or device torchlight enters skin and bounces off blood vessels to the camera.
  • Biomarkers are calculated using different amounts of data. 10–1 minute results.

The Android and Apple app will cost $89.00 per year. Somavedic will interface with corporate wellness initiatives, wellness centers, insurance companies, and telemedicine providers as well as individuals.

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