Three Primary Areas of Manufacturer Attention in 2023

Businesses must now undergo digital transformation. Today, survival is the main reason organizations make this move. With supply chain disruptions increasing time-to-market demands and consumer expectations, firms across industries must change quickly to survive.

IDC’s “Worldwide Digital Transformation 2022 Predictions” found that 50% of organizations had a digital transformation strategy. Two years ago, 73% had no digital plan.

Cloud technology in global supply networks is vital. This involves automating outdated manual procedures, improving deployment, reducing bottlenecks, and reducing package costs.

As manufacturers use the cloud to increase their digital presence, sustainability, cost concerns, and supply chain interruptions are top priorities.

Cloud reduces downtime and boosts productivity.

Loftware’s “2023 Top 5 Trends in Labeling & Packaging Artwork” research polled approximately 500 professionals from firms across all major industries and 55 countries. 80% of company executives surveyed reported a direct business effect from supply chain challenges. Organizations require supply chain-resistant labeling solutions.

Companies of all sizes want to expand globally. If companies use outdated systems, their supply chains and labeling will get more complex as they develop, causing inefficiencies and interruptions.

Cloud-based labeling lets firms extend labeling throughout their business environment while maintaining existing systems and user interactions. This method also makes a manufacturer’s labeling system more flexible for re-provisioning, adding, or extending technical infrastructure resources.

Most crucially, companies may instantly name additional sites and partners. Multiple locations, new suppliers, partners, and 3PLs having flexible access to centralized labeling and label information greatly reduces interruptions, slowdowns, and labeling errors, avoiding costly relabeling. Business continuity and supply chain agility depend on this.

Instead of developing, duplicating, or changing label templates at each site, accurate and compliant labels may be instantly accessible from anywhere at any time. This eliminates uncertainty and human error in label generation at each site, which can slow time to market and cause supply chain bottlenecks.

Cloud cuts business expenses.

Cloud technology may drastically minimize labeling mistake expenses for companies. Last November, Gartner senior research director John Blake discussed how non-declared allergens, mislabeling, and inaccurate packaging graphics continue to cause product delays and recalls, costing manufacturers millions in lost sales.

A cloud-based labeling system that combines labeling operations with business processes to promote speed, accuracy, and compliance eliminates labeling errors, saving firms money, time, and brand reputation.

Small to mid-sized firms have also struggled to afford huge on-site corporate software systems. These companies couldn’t afford significant IT infrastructure maintenance staff. Cloud-first business methods have given these firms world-class systems.

Manufacturers can upgrade their subscriptions without of paying a large charge. Without IT infrastructure or huge IT personnel, these enterprises may invest this money in their operations.

The cloud lets firms enter new markets. As businesses expand into new locations, cloud data helps geographically dispersed partners and suppliers harmonize their business operations and adjust labeling content.

Companies can swiftly fix costly labeling ecosystem issues with increased supply chain traceability. If a manufacturing chain bottleneck arises, real-time cloud data allows the organization to identify and rectify the problem.

The cloud helps you meet sustainability goals.

Businesses are setting sustainable goals as ESG and sustainability become mainstream. Loftware’s 2023 research indicated that 76% of firms have a sustainability effort, demonstrating its importance across industries.

Organizations must ensure their supply chains reflect this commitment to reach these aims and create a new benchmark for responsible business.

Thus, cloud-based digital traceability may assist organizations track their products throughout the production process. Product lifecycle management and sustainable sourcing need upstream and downstream product traceability.

Intelligent supply chains can track, trace, and verify commodities from raw resources to consumers. This reduces a vast global footprint, and cloud-based supply chains ensure that things are created, shipped, and delivered to the right place, reducing waste.

Cloud technologies will transform supply chains.

Globalization is forcing manufacturers to manage their supply networks to fulfill rising demand while being ecologically friendly. Manufacturers may achieve both aims with cloud labeling technology.

Cloud technology unlocks supply chain efficiency, sustainability, and profitability for businesses. Businesses can boldly embrace the future of manufacturing and assure long-term success with a digital transformation strategy.

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